Political Appointees
Secretary of Defense Robert McNamara administering the oath of office to (left to right) Norman Paul, Thomas Morris, John Foster, and Harold Brown, taken October 28,1965. Morgue 1965-37 (P-1) [Photographer: Donald Cooksey], picryl.com
Roberts, Patrick S. and Matthew Dull. 2013. “Guarding the Guardians: Oversight Appointees and the Search for Accountability in U.S. Federal Agencies,” Journal of Policy History, 25 (2): 207-239.
Dull, Matthew, Patrick S. Roberts, Michael Keeney, and Sang Ok Choi. 2012. “Appointee Confirmation and Tenure: The Succession of U.S. Federal Agency Appointees, 1989-2009,” Public Administration Review, vol. 72, no. 6 (Nov./Dec. 2012): 902-913.
Co-Convener (with Matthew Dull and William Resh), “Appointee Politics and the Implications for Government Effectiveness,” Sponsored by Indiana University’s School of Public and Environmental Affairs and Virginia Tech, Alexandria, Virginia, May 4-5, 2012
Dull, Matthew and Patrick S. Roberts. 2009. “Continuity, Competence, and the Succession of Senate-Confirmed Agency Appointees, 1989-2009,” Presidential Studies Quarterly, vol. 39, no. 3 (2009): 432-453.
Roberts, Patrick S. and Matthew Dull. 2009. “Is Obama Using His Appointment Power Effectively?” Roll Call, (September 29), p. 4.
Roberts, Patrick S. and Matthew Dull. 2009. “How Congress Should Repair the Vacancies Act,” The Hill, January 9.
Review of The Politics of Presidential Appointments: Political Control and Bureaucratic Performance, by David E. Lewis, in Presidential Studies Quarterly (December 2008): 761-762.