Advice for Graduate Students
“I shall not ask you to believe but defy you to deny.”
Grad School
Snake Fight Portion of the Thesis Defense
How to Undertake a Literature Review (Raul Pacheco-Vega Blog)
Jeffrey W. Knopf (2006). “Doing a Literature Review”. PS: Political Science & Politics, 39(1): 127-132.
Iain McMenamin (2006). “Process and Text: Teaching Students to Review the Literature.” PS: Political Science & Politics, 39(1): 133-135.
Sovacool, Benjamin K., Jonn Axsen, and Steve Sorrell. "Promoting novelty, rigor, and style in energy social science: towards codes of practice for appropriate methods and research design." Energy research & social science (2018). Open Access.
Paul Krugman offers advice on how to be a good economist that applies to policy-oriented scholars as well.
Advice on writing the prospectus
Social Science Research Council on the Art of Writing Proposals
Advice on writing the prospectus
Start with the fivefold method of proposal writing: 1) What is the question? 2) What are the usual answers? 3) What is my answer? 4) What is the evidence I expect to find? 5) Why should others care about my topic/project?